1. Eligibility

we want people who are passionate about making the world a better place.

When it comes to our application process, we prioritize your genuine passion for your community and your drive to make a positive impact on the lives of others. We believe that these qualities are the true indicators of a future leader and changemaker.We do not require test scores, GPA, or letters of reference, our only measure of eligibility is your passion for your community and your drive to improve the world for others.

2. Application

We ask for a few things to help get to know you better.

To get to know you better we ask that you either:

Write a statement (less than 500 words) about why you feel that community is important or the effect that it has had in your life.

or interview for roughly 10 minutes with one of our team members.

3. Review Process

Our review process is 2 days

After our team reviews your application we will get back to you via email.

4. Success

You will be welcomed into a thriving student-led initiative which you will be part of.

We are excited to receive your application. Our commitment is to changing the world for the better and we want others who share this same vision. Our members are the future change makers and their journey starts here. We will do great things together. We will highlight each of our members accomplishments and we will provide undying support in addition to providing the resources for each of their initiatives to succeed.


Become Part of our close-knit community at Epic Youths.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us at contact@epicyouths.org or over Instagram direct message.